Optimizing Top-Level Data Discovery Skills and Software

Now that electronic records are considered equivalent to paper records in the discovery process for regulatory compliance or legal cases, it can be a daunting task to accurately sift through the huge amounts of potentially responsive material. STEEL Litigation will partner with you in meeting e-discovery requests quickly, accurately, and with the attention to detail that is required in legal document processing. Your project manager will monitor the process every step of the way and will always be available to you.

E-discovery is a process that includes converting electronic documents and email into a collection of “discoverable” documents for litigation. It involves both software and a process that searches and indexes files on hard drives or other electronic media.

Given the abundance and diversity of Electronically Stored Information (ESI) in today’s digital world, having the capability to standardize all ESI in preferred file formats is a must for law firms and corporations dealing with the stringent requirements of electronic discovery requests.


STEEL Litigation partners with e-discovery providers to integrate our Managed Review services with their e-discovery offerings.

Due to the unknown nature of approximating the actual page/image count of an electronic collection, STEEL Litigation offers clients a fixed pricing model on a gigabyte basis. This allows our clients to accurately predict and manage the cost associated with EDD processing.

Below is a list of our gigabyte pricing all-inclusive model:

  • De-duplication of electronic documents and mail stores using MD5 hash algorithm

  • Native file processing, the capture of document metadata, and full OCR text extraction for searchable text

  • Maintenance of document boundary composition for emails with attachments

  • Customized processing features for processing Excel files making sure the legal team is not reviewing blank pages

  • Exception logs for unsupported files, password-protected or corrupt files

  • Images and data formatted for end-user database management system

  • Any export request can be met

Load File Generation: .DAT/.OPT (Concordance) and .DII (Summation) load file formats.

Searchable: TIFF and PDF images are made searchable through the creation of associated searchable text files using OCR.